Climb A Mountain
The Mountain I see before me
with its cliffs and jagged face
makes me contemplate my oneness
and bow my head in grace.
So majestic is its demeanour
so intimidating is its height
and to climb it all alone
will take all my strength and might.
My feet slip as I ascend
so uncertain are my steps
I look down at the earth below
and my heart fills with regret.
Taking on this task alone
was much more than I could bear
but I'm halfway up the mountain
and there's no one who can hear.
I reach a place of smoothness
and I rest for just a while
as the sunsets right before me
my face adorns a smile.
Such beauty amidst my strife
makes me feel a warmth inside
and I find the strength to push
my feet up the Mountainside.
For a while the going's easy
and then I come upon
a cliff too steep for climbing
and I wonder what went wrong?
I contemplate my position
as I gaze in such despair
thinking that I must give up-
my strength no longer there.
My tears form a waterfall
down the Mountainside
as I grasp the jagged edge
clinging onto my own pride.
To ask for help is something
I feel too proud to do
until my footingslips
and I feel my life unglue.
"Dear God", I cry to the heavens,
"I cannot climb this Mountainside."
And then I heard a voice
which gave me faith instead of pride.
"You were never alone, my Child
as you climbed this Mountainside.
Iwas always here beside you
never leaving your dear side."
"But I don't deserve your help.
I thought I could do it alone.
I thought I could handle anything-
even this Mountain made of stone."
"When will you realize,
that there's nothing you can do-
that will make me leave your side;
for I'll always help you through."
I felt my grip grow firm.
I felt my legs grow strong-
and suddenly I knew
that I was very strong.
I'm not alone on this Mountain-
I'm not alone on the Sea-
For God's hand is always there-
Reaching out to me.
As I gazed upon the earth
atop the Mountainside-
I felt so very Loved-
As God stood by my side.