Bible Quiz (Non serious)
[Q] How do we know that they played cards on the Ark ?...
[A]...Because Noah sat on the deck.
[Q] Who was the greatest financier in the Bible ?..
.[A] Noah; because he was floating his stock while everyone else was Liquidating.
[Q] Who was the greatest female financier in the Bible ?.
.[A] That would be Pharaoh's daughter, Who went down to the back of the Nile And drew out a little Prophet.
[Q] What kind of man was Boaz before he got married ?..
.[A] He was Ruth-less.
[Q] What kind of motor vehicles are in the Bible ?....
[A] Honda; because the Apostles were all in one Accord.[Acts 2:1] {honda accord)
[Q] Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible ?....
[A] Samson; because he brought down the House.
[Q] How did Adam & Eve feel when they got expelled from the garden of Eden ?...
.[A]They were really put out.
[Q] What is one of the first things that Adam & Eve did after they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden ?.
.[A] they raised Cain.
[Q]. What excuse did Adam give his Children as to why he no longer lived in the garden Eden ?..
[A]He said "Your mother ate us out of house and home"
[Q] Who was the greatest babysitter mentioned in the Bible ?...
[A] David; because he Rocked Goliath to sleep.
[Q] What do they call pastors in Germany ?.
[A]German Shepherds.
[Q] What is the best way to get to Paradise ? ...
[A]Turn right and go straight.
[Q} Which servant of Jehovah was the most notable ?...
[A]..Moses; Because he broke all Ten Commandments at once.
[Q] Which area of Palestine was especially wealthy ?...
.[A]..The area around the Jordan; there, the banks were always overflowing.
[Q] Where is the first tennis match mentioned in the Bible ?.
[A]..When Joseph served in Pharaoh's court..
[Q] Which Bible character had no parents ?...
.[A]..Joshua; son of Nun..